
Awareness – A Key Factor in Achieving Fitness and Health Aim(s)

Awareness – A Key Factor in Achieving Fitness and Health Aim(s)

ONE OF THE MOST important factors for living fit is awareness, knowing and understanding what you are doing, and the how and why behind it. To fully understand this concept it is important to keep in mind the following three notions:

1. Be determined 2. Be devoted 3. Be disciplined when it becomes difficult To be able to be determined, devoted and disciplined it is important to believe in yourself and your way of life. Be persistent even when change is slow; take care of your self-confidence to stay on the best course for yourself. Through a process of psychophysical and emotional development, you will be able to use many techniques for taking care of yourself. With such techniques as aim-setting, relaxation, imagery, confident self-talk, concentration and focus, you too can move beyond what may have been barriers to your success. If you have psychophysical boundaries and barriers, you must learn what is involved in identifying them, exploring their meaning, and initiating a change that will decrease their impact. Your first strategy will be to identify and isolate the origin of obstacles preventing you from maintaining your effort. Your first aim is to follow the 8 action tasks listed below: a) Place a journal by your bedside and only write in it before you go to bed and upon rising in the morning. b) Carry a small mirror with you at all times. c) Know your daily commitment to your aim(s). Are you committed today and why? d) Explore boundaries and barriers. How are they preventing you from maintaining your effort? e) Persist. Are you on target, if you are not, why not? f) Action planning. Make sure that you list what, when, where, why and how you are going to be successful. g) Let your purpose guide your actions. How are you doing this? h) Believe—do you, and why?

You are to write on all 8 aims mentioned above before you got to bed. When you awake in the morning before you get out of bed, take the mirror and read what you wrote last night to yourself. If you are open to challenging yourself, you will begin to understand that believing in yourself and your way of life persisting even when change is slow, taking care of yourself and thinking independently involves mental, physical and emotional efforts.

By removing the constant exposure to both internal and external negative influences that take away your positive beliefs you will be able to achieve your aim(s). Integrating this written exercise will keep you aware of your daily energy changes and help you to control negative influences. When you are able to learn to separate yourself from being over worked, negative relationships, substance abuse, noise and concentration on blamelessness or integrity you will discover that over time these things will not take away your energy. Therefore, the underlying theme of this blog is, as you continue with this process of identification and separation from negative influences, it will become easier. Making these changes will provide the possibility for recognizing how you are affected and in the ways in which you can protect yourself. By using journaling as a tool, you will be able to not only identify but also recognize the affect these negative and positive influences have in your daily life. You will see what lowers your energy level and what raises it. These observations and your commitment to a fitness routine is the key to knowing and understanding what you are doing and improving.

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    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.

  • Blog Details photo
    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor.

  • Blog single photo
    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.


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