
Think Like a Bodybuilder: Take Control, Make a Change

Plan everything, take it seriously and never give up

THE single MOST important factor to be considered when making changes the bodybuilder’s way is to be able to control the outcome of your effort. To see the results of your sweat and pain manifest itself in changing the way you look. My experience with bodybuilders has shown that the majorities of them start and maintain their training with the following concepts in mind:

  • How to track their effort so their road leads to desired results.
  • How to use supplements to enhance their nutritional benefit.
  • How to eat the best foods at the right time so they make improvements.
  • How to make changes in the design of their workouts.
  • How to create a mindset of continuous effort.

The goal of today’s blog is to help the average individual understand the mindset of a bodybuilder and learn to incorporate the above mentioned five concepts within their aim. It is important to understand that in the past and still even to today, bodybuilders have been and are sometimes still viewed as freaks, narcissistic and self-centered egomaniacs. However, this negative impression of them has slightly changed. This change can somewhat be attributed in large to the explosion of the career and popularity of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the mid-1970’s. Arnold made great efforts to change the image of bodybuilders and to make their training routines acceptable. His efforts have made more impact than anyone associated with this form of training before or after him. What do bodybuilders do on a continuous basis that most fitness enthusiasts don’t? The answer lies in following the four laws of DEMOR System, control, balance, concentrate and focuses their workout, nutrition, sleep and therapy to get the most out of each day to help change their body.

It is understandable that most fitness enthusiasts do not have two to four hours a day to work on their body so they can make changes. It is still important though, to put this into proper perspective. The average bodybuilder spends between two to as much as four to six years working their body into shape for competition, and anywhere from two to six hours a day to just get into shape.

However, most fitness enthusiasts want and try to change their bodies overnight. Most of us spend years trying to get our bodies to change with little or no results, which in itself results in frustration at which point, we revert back to old habits. This keeps us on a merry-go-round of ups and downs with no clear result in mind or a body that we can just maintain. The answer is to look at all the good elements that the bodybuilders incorporate into their workout lifestyle they set their aims and work l to make it a reality, and never give up. Three notions come to mind.

First they are disciplined; they start a regimen that is closely controlled. Second they are persistent and dedicated to what it will take to maintain their effort without being so concerned with how much time it will take. Third they are determined, with an unwavering intent to achieve their goals.

By incorporating the discipline, commitment and determination into your daily effort, you too will be able to change your body. Therefore, believe in yourself and the techniques you are following, persist even when change is slow, take care of yourself and think independently.

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    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.

  • Blog Details photo
    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor.

  • Blog single photo
    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.


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