
Looking at Your Psycho-Physical Process

AS WE APPROACH the New Year with renewed enthusiasm for getting fit and healthy, the road to living fit can be filled with frustration, disappointment, pain and failure if you give into concentrating only on the physical side of fitness. If you are open to challenging yourself, you can begin to understand that living fit involves mental, physical and emotional efforts.

If you want to learn more about the challenges of living fit, plan to attend a free seminar at 10a.m. jan.4 at DEMOR System, 5001 Birch St., Newport Beach. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at this road and what we may find on this journey. If you have been off the fitness road for the last two to four months and are getting started in January, try to understand your own psycho-physical development process.

  1. Starting: If you have been reading this blog, you may have read the article on “Maintaining Your Natural Exercise Flow.” In that blog I advised you to take it slow. The reason is at the beginning you will be filled with enthusiasm, which will give you a mental lift so your mind will push your body to work out too fast. If you go too fast, you may have between two and four weeks before your mind and body come to its senses and ceases this behavior. However, if you are strong and determined enough to keep going, you may be able to make it past the enthusiasm stage, which can sometimes last six to eight weeks. If you are the type of person who runs out of enthusiasm, like most do at this time of the year, please pull over and refer to the last blog, “Changing Your Approach Changing Your Way of Living.” Remember, at the heart of “changing your approach changes your way of living” is understanding the differences between what you should or could, would or ought to do and what you’re willing to do. If you are willing to move into the next stage you will most certainly be hit with many more challenges.
  2. Challenges: The previous blog on “Set Realistic aims to Lose the Weight” discusses the weight you may have put on before or during the holidays. It is an important guide, which pointed out that the only way to achieve any measure of lasting results is to start out with realistic expectations. What does that means? It means accepting that it takes time to make the changes you want. Before you are too hard on yourself, first think back at how long it took you to get the way you are. It is during the challenging stage when you rise above the frustration, disappointment, pain and failure so you can maintain this behavior. The challenging stage can take you between three and six months of effort, whether they are mental or physical challenges. Do not be distracted at the expense of your aims. Whether it is portion control, working out, or feeling good about yourself, seek help to keep you on the road. The third stage f on the road to living fit is life effort.
  3. Life Effort: In the previous blog on “Motive Matters in Life’s Pursuits,” I noted that your effort to start and maintain a fitness routine and the work you perform and its effects on your ability to living fit is a day-to-day process. In the end, enthusiasm will get you started, but maintaining your fit behaviors must be looked at as challenges that you are willing to face. However, once you have made it into a day-to-day life effort, you are on the road to living fit. If you have questions about this blog or want more information, keep reading this blog, Until next time, Take Care of You.

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    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.

  • Blog Details photo
    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor.

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    Sep 13, 2017

    Thesera Minton

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do they eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquat enim ad minim veniam ad minim veniam.


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